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MJQR, VOL. 1, 2007


We are proud to publish our first issue of the Malaysian Journal of Qualitative Research (MJQR). We would like to thank all who have contributed to the publication of this first issue - especially our reviewers and contributors. The focus of this first issue is to share some insights and experiences of professionals and practitioners on two pertinent issues in qualitative research: the value of qualitative research and the ethics involved. In relation to that, a book review on the experiences of local researchers in the application of the qualitative research methodology is provided to give the Malaysian perspective.

The first article, "Whose Data Is It Anyway? Ethics in Qualitative Research", discusses a critical and pertinent issue of ethics in data collection and ownership. Helen Simons proposes that co-ownership of data between the researcher and subject be considered. The second article, "Qualitative Research Endeavour: Negotiation Access and Ethical Dilemmas" by Mohd. Hasani Dali and Mohd Rosli Abdul Rahman shares the various ethical issues experienced in their fieldwork and the impact these issues had on their research design. In the third article, "An approach to phenomenological analysis of data," Khatijah Lim Abdullah discusses the application of van Manen's (1990 ) six research activities as a framework for her research approach and the rationale for using the heidegerrian-gadamerian phenomenological approach. The fourth article, "Quality in Qualitative Research and Reporting: A Consideration of Practitioner Research" by John Loughran, outlines the criteria of quality in qualitative research using teacher research as a case in point. He discusses the relevance of qualitative research in education and the different world views of research that shape the kind of resultant knowledge it presents to its audience. In the final article, "Using Software to Analyse Qualitative Data," Michael Jones explains the advantages of using NVivoTM, a software developed by QSR International Pry Ltd. (2002) to ease the analysis of qualitative data.

We hope that these articles and the book review will provide you with an insight into qualitative research, its practices and outcomes. More importantly, we hope that MJQR is able to provide the platform for sharing and discussing qualitative research.

The Editorial Board
January 2007

In this issue

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Whose Data is it Anyway? Ethics in Qualitative Research Pg 6-18
Helen Simons

Qualitative Research Endeavour: Negotiation Access and Ethical Dilemmas Pg 19-32
Mohd Hasani Dali, Mohd Rosli Abdul Rahman

An Approach to Phenomenological Analysis of Data Pg 33-46
Khatijah Lim

Quality in Qualitative Research and Reporting: A Consideration of Practitioner Research Pg 47-63
John Loughran

Using Software to Analyse Qualitative Data Pg 64-77
Michael Jones

Penyelidikan Kualitatif: Pengalaman Kerja Lapangan Kajian (Qualitative Research: Fieldwork Experiences)
Marohaini Yusoff, Jayati Ray

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