MJQR VOL. 6 (1), May 2020
In this issue
A Case Study of Private Higher Education Institutions in Conforming to the Malaysian Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education)
Teik Aun, Wong, Tze Chin, Ong, Su Fern, Tan & Jin Yao, Koay
pg 5 - 17
Specialist Retention in Sabah: A Qualitative Study
Lim Ming Yao, Teong Win Zee
pg 18 - 28
Document Analysis on Literature of the Industry 4.0 Workforce Requirement
Ilyana Janis, Aini Nazura Paimin, Maizam Alias
pg 29 -43
Problem-Setting and Problem-Solving in Reflexive Dialogical Action Research Using Metaphors
Christy P. Gomez
pg 44 - 54
The Effectiveness of Word-of-mouth as a Marketing Tool in the Medical Tourism Industry in Malaysia: Challenges and the Way Forward
Norzayana Yusof, Herwina Rosnan
pg 55 - 67
Applying Phenomenology: Utilising 'Point of View' as Avenue to Reconcile Philosophy with Social Research
Chong Su Li
pg 68 - 75
Human Resource Management Practices and Innovation in Network Collaboration of SMEs Food Manufacturing Sector
Hasmayarie Hisham, Siti Sarah Omar, Muazam Ali
pg 76 - 86
Mind Mapping Technique to Facilitate Writing Performance
Divinish, U., Vighnarajah
pg 87 - 95