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MJQR VOL. 7 (2) November 2021

In this Issue

Visiting Halal Restaurants: The Perceptions of Non-Muslim Postgraduate Students in Malaysia’s Public University
Amarul Arif Mohd Shuhaimi, Muhammad Shahrim Ab Karim
pg 5 - 16

Counterfeit Products: The Role of Society in Educating Its Consumption
Nurhidayah Rosely, Raja Nerina Raja Yusof, Haslinda Hashim
pg 17 - 31

All-Embracing Nurture: Understanding the Child-Rearing Experience of Muslim Converts from Interracial Marriages in Malaysia
Amira Jalilah Binti Roslan, Jasmine Puah Jia Min, Alexius Cheang Weng Onn
pg 32 -44

The Inevitable Journey: Understanding the Conversion Process of Muslim Converts in Malaysia and How They Overcame the Challenges from Interracial Marriages
Jasmine Puah Jia Min, Amira Jalilah Binti Roslan, Alexius Cheang Weng Onn
pg 45 -58

Does Gender Matter? Leadership Styles of Women Entrepreneurs in Penang, Malaysia
Wong Teik Aun, Dorthy Shaleni Paul
pg 59 - 70

Improving knowledge management efficiency and tax administration performance through leadership styles and skills
Umale Okoh, Muzianah Mansor, Marhaiza Ibrahim
pg 70 - 84

Examining Post-Pandemic Behavioural Change in Managing Team Agility: A Study of Team Leaders in Multinational Corporations in Malaysia
Cheah U-Meng, Dewi A. Sapuan
pg 85 - 98

A Preliminary Analysis on Novice Science Teachers towards the Integration of Virtual Reality (VR) in Science Laboratory
Nurshamshida Md Shamsudin, Melor Mohd Yunos, Sharipah Ruzaina Syed Aris
pg 99 - 105

Maslow’s Theory of Needs, Human Behaviour, and COVID-19 Non-Compliance: A Conceivable Triad
Manfred Mortell
pg 106 - 119

The Role of Theory in Qualitative Research - From Metatheory to Local Theory
Tong Seng Fah, Lee Khuan, Lim Pek Hong
pg 120 - 130

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