The Malaysian Journal of Qualitative Research (MJQR) is an open-access, online journal currently indexed with MyCite, Crossref, Google Scholar and EBESCO, and listed with MyJurnal. The journal has a double-blind, peer-review policy focusing on methodological issues, innovations, and insights in qualitative or mixed methods studies. MJQR is published twice a year in May and November. It is owned and published by the Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM). Authors must submit a Turnitin or any plagiarism checker report (the first page suffices) that shows a similarity index of 15% or less to be accepted for publication. MJQR prohibits any commercial use of articles published in this journal.
Research employing qualitative methods across social, behavioural, health, and human sciences, aiming to enhance understanding of qualitative inquiry.
Methodological Advancements
Discussions on qualitative research methods, including data collection and analysis techniques, innovative theories, technological integrations, ethical considerations, and reporting practices.
Mixed Methods Research
Papers utilising mixed methods, with a strong emphasis on qualitative approaches.
Study Design
​Reports on novel study designs and funded project proposals that utilise qualitative or mixed methods research, offering valuable insights to the global research community.
Plagiarism & Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Authors are required to submit a plagiarism report, such as from Turnitin, with a similarity index of 15% or less for publication eligibility. Additionally, any use of AI-generated content must be disclosed, critically evaluated for accuracy and originality, and used solely as an aid for data analysis, writing, or editing. AI tools must not replace the researcher’s intellectual contribution.
The Malaysian Journal of Qualitative Research (MJQR) is an open-access, online journal currently indexed with MyCite, Crossref, Google Scholar and EBESCO, and listed with MyJurnal. MJQR is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on methodological issues, innovations, and insights in qualitative or mixed methods studies. MJQR is published twice a year in May and November. It is owned and published by the Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM). MJQR prohibits any commercial use of articles published in this journal.